超凡E Store成立的目的是填补市场或媒体上信息过载和未经审查的空白, 从批判性的角度提供一些关于育儿、青少年以及艺术治疗的东西方视角的信息, 以便我们可以开阔思维,以不同的方式看待和体验世界。 您可以通过点击反馈表提供意见反馈,或者如果您希望成为本页面的贡献者,也可以与我们联系。
Understanding of mental health issues
How to prevent mental breakdowns
Suggestions for informal and professional mental health caregivers
Art therapy and mental health
Other remedies and medications
Colourfully illustrated journey of a person living with mental health issues
The book is copyrighted by ATASB. No parts of the book should be reproduced or reprinted for the commercial purpose.
RM15 / book
本书分为五个部分。 第一部分提供了对心理健康问题的理解,而第二部分解释了如何预防精神崩溃。 在第三部分,我讨论了对非正式和专业心理健康护理人员的建议。 The first part is on art therapy and mental health while the second discusses other remedies and medications. 第五部分是一个有心理健康问题的人的彩色插图之旅。
*The book is copyrighted by ATASB. No parts of the book should be reproduced or reprinted for the commercial purpose.
We hope you enjoy reading the book, and get inspired by it.