I never think that I am a “good” cook!

I never think that I am a “good” cook, 👨‍🍳👩‍🍳

And I am able to cook,🍳🍳

During MCO, I was conducting public welfare teaching by chance with a sudden thought while I was brushing my teeth one morning;‍🏫👩‍🏫

The collected fees were handed out to PGCC, frontliner for their PPEs and other needed people and centers. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

Since the responses for the charitable classes from the public is overwhelming;

That means, in this difficult time, there are people who are willing to help and reach out. 👨👧👩👨‍🦲

I need to give a BIG thank you to all the participants. 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️

Your fees has gone to a good cause. 👼👼👼

My deepest gratitude to all the supporters who have made a sudden thought to become a reality. ❤️❤️❤️And also a BIG thank you to PGCC for giving us the opportunity to offer our services.❤️❤️❤️